MILG encourages local anti-drug councils to lead BIDA implementation in Lanao del Sur

MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur (PIA) — The Ministry of the Interior and Local Government (MILG) in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region is urging local anti-drug abuse councils in Lanao del Sur province to spearhead the implementation of the Buhay Ingatan, Drogay’s Ayawan (BIDA) program, an initiative that seeks to tackle drug demand reduction at the community level.

“BIDA seeks to improve quality of life and safeguard citizens from the dangers of illegal drugs,” said Janirah Tago, local government operations officer of the MILG in Lanao del Sur, during the recent joint meeting of the Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) and Provincial Anti-Drugs Abuse Council (PADAC).

She explained that the “Safeguard Life, Say No to Illegal Drugs” program specifically aims to raise awareness of the harmful effects of dangerous drugs through IEC campaigns, the promotion of health and wellness, and the strengthening of institutions in the implementation of drug supply and demand reduction activities.

Local government operations officer Janirah Tago underscored the importance of collective efforts in the implementation of the BIDA program, which aims to enhance the quality of life and protect Filipinos from crime and drug-related harm. Tago presented the BIDA framework during the second quarter joint meeting of the Provincial Peace and Order Council and Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Council on June 26 at the Provincial Capitol Gymnasium, Marawi City. (Photo: MGLY/PIA-10/Lanao del Sur)

Tago further highlighted the importance of collaboration between various stakeholders, particularly local government units (LGUs), down to the barangay level. She echoed the statement of DILG Sec. Benjamin Abalos Jr., emphasizing that successful drug demand reduction depends on collective action. This includes grassroots efforts focused not only on rehabilitation but also on prevention through widespread anti-drug education.

She also stressed that the program encourages multi-sectoral participation, including youth, women, the private sector, and faith-based organizations.

Implementing BIDA Locally

Tago outlined to the two councils the planned activities at the national and regional levels, including the BIDA Summit and BIDA Diyalogo kontra Iligal na Droga.

“At the local level, LGUs will conduct Usapang BIDA. Pag-uusapan ng ating committee ang concerns and issues of our ADAC, kung ano-ano yung mga interventions na kailangan natin maiconduct to address the anti-illegal drugs,” she explained.

(Our committee will discuss the concerns and issues of our ADAC, including the interventions we need to implement to address the issue of illegal drugs.)

Tago emphasized that the local ADACs will spearhead the program’s implementation. They will ensure all plans and activities align with the BIDA framework, including those outlined in the Local Drug Action Plan (LDAP) and POPS (Peace and Order and Public Safety) Plan.

“The PPOC will work closely with LGUs on BIDA implementation. They will ensure BIDA activities are funded and indicated in the POPS plan and provide technical assistance and administrative support,” she further said.

The BIDA program is anchored on the Philippine Development Plan, particularly on ensuring peace and security and enhanced administration of justice. (APB/PIA-10/Lanao del Sur)

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