PBBM inaugurates solar-powered water pump in Isabela

QUIRINO, Isabela (PIA) – – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. led the inauguration of the Cabaruan Solar Powered Pump Irrigation project, the first and biggest solar-powered irrigation system in the country, located in Barangay Cabaruan, Quirino, Isabela.

The pumping station, which costs P65.77 million, is equipped with two units of solar-power driven submersible pumps composed of 1,056 solar panels, which can generate some 739,200 watts of electricity. Two units of submersible pumps with an output discharge capacity of 12,800 gallons per minute were also provided, allowing the irrigation of some 350 hectares of agricultural land. 

The President said the project aims to lower the production costs of 237 farmers who have been dependent on gasoline or diesel-engine water pumps to irrigate their rice plants. 

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. unveils the marker of the newly established solar-powered pump irrigation facility in Cabaruan, Quirino, Isabela. (Photo courtesy of PCO)
President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. unveils the marker of the newly established solar-powered pump irrigation facility in Cabaruan, Quirino, Isabela.

Aside from this, the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) has formally accepted newly completed 15 solar-powered pump irrigation projects and two small irrigation facilities located in different parts of the Cagayan Valley. These projects are expected to irrigate 250 hectares of rice fields benefiting 860 farmers.

The President said sustainable and sufficient irrigation water will contribute to an increase in agricultural production, benefitting the community and the attainment of the food sufficiency agenda of the government. 

“The formal inauguration of this Cabaruan Solar Powered Pump Irrigation project will lead to progress not only in Isabela but in the north as a whole. If we used engines before to irrigate our plants, we now have a facility run by solar energy, which is free that is why we can now give irrigation services for free to our farmers,” the President said. 

As of now, President Marcos said over 150 solar power pump irrigation projects nationwide are ongoing and over a hundred facilities are to be established soon. 

“In totality, 82 solar pump irrigation projects were already completed and being operated nationwide since 2023. I assure you that we will build more in the next months, in the next years,” Marcos said.

He also said the establishment of various agricultural facilities is part of the government’s commitment to improve further the production of the local farmers. 

The President also lauded the efforts of NIA for the establishment of various irrigation facilities that are now being enjoyed by farmers and are significant in improving food production. 

“I also urge NIA to study further the irrigation assets of the country to identify more potential areas for solar-powered irrigation or other facilities to lessen the burden of the farmers. To our farmers in Isabela, this is part of the Bagong Pilipinas in the pursuit of modern agricultural practices,” Marcos said.

He also said the government will intensify further farm mechanization programs and modern farming practices geared towards the production of enough, fresh and healthy foods in the country. (OTB/PIA Region 2) 

Newly completed 15 solar-powered pump irrigation project IN Cagayan Valley.
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