4 Laguna towns now ASF-free

CALAMBA CITY, Laguna (PIA) — Four towns in Laguna were declared free of the African swine fever (ASF) virus after passing a test administered by the provincial veterinarian’s office and a regional task group on the viral disease among hogs.

According to Laguna Provincial Veterinarian Dr. Mary Grace Bustamante, as of January 13, the towns of Alaminos, Rizal, Sta. Cruz, and Siniloan have eliminated the virus from their commercial and backyard piggeries after conducting rigid strategies endorsed by the national government.

The ASF regional technical working group has recently upgraded Rizal town’s zoning status from an infected area or red zone to a buffer zone or pink zone.

Based on Administrative Circular No. 2, s. 2022 of the Department of Agriculture, municipalities and cities under the red zones are those with confirmed outbreaks of ASF in one barangay and spreading to other barangays within 15 days; while pink zones include places where ASF is not detected but are demarcated around a red zone.

Other zoning areas being observed include yellow or surveillance zone, where ASF is not detected and are adjacent with the pink zones; light green or protected zone, includes areas where ASF is not detected and are considered to be moderate risk areas; while dark green or free zones include areas where ASF is not detected and are considered low risk from outbreaks.

Bustamante said that they are waiting for other municipalities and cities to complete their requirements and monitoring before they are classified as ASF-free area.

“Every 3 months may sample collection lahat, kasama doon, [pati] ‘yung sa backyard para madeclare [ang isang lugar] na ASF free,” the provincial veterinarian added.

Although classified as ASF-free, the towns are advised to continue implementing preemptive measures in commercial and backyard piggeries to prevent the incursion of the virus.

Preemptive measures include intensified biosecurity, monitoring of swine farms and their inventory, border control management, active and passive surveillance for early disease monitoring, among others. (CH/PIA-Laguna; with reports from Office of the Provincial Veterinarian)

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