THE air buzzed with a palpable sense of hope and anticipation as 2,666 farmers from South Cotabato and Cotabato province gathered in Surallah, South Cotabato, on November 12.
This wasn’t just any ordinary gathering; it was a celebration of empowerment, a testament to years of hard work, and a promise of a brighter future. For on this day, they received the most precious gift – their Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOA) — a legal document that finally secured their rightful claim to the land they had cultivated for generations.
The event, organized by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), was a culmination of years of dedication to land reform, a commitment to providing Filipino farmers with the security and dignity they deserve.
Leading the ceremony were DAR Undersecretary for Mindanao Affairs Amihilda J. Sangcopan and DAR Regional Director Mariannie S. Lauban-Baunto, both beacons of hope for the farmers who had long awaited this moment.
The distribution of 568 regular CLOAs and 2,188 e-titles, covering a total of 3,532.27 hectares, marked a significant milestone in the agency’s efforts to empower farmers and ensure their rightful ownership of the land they till.
Among the jubilant recipients were Orlando Amar, a 55-year-old farmer and barangay captain of Lamian, Banga, South Cotabato, and Rolando Estrella, 70, of Linao, Matalam, Cotabato province.
“This title validates our ownership of this land,” said Amar, his eyes shining with a newfound sense of security. “It’s a testament to our hard work and a guarantee that this land will remain in our family for generations to come.”
Estrella, a seasoned farmer who inherited his land from his parents, echoed Amar’s sentiments. “This title ensures that our children will inherit this land and benefit from its bounty,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude and a sense of relief.
The event was more than just a handover of documents; it was a celebration of resilience, a recognition of the farmers’ vital role in ensuring food security for the nation. Undersecretary Sangcopan emphasized that the DAR’s commitment to Filipino farmers goes beyond simply distributing land titles.
“We provide enhanced support services to help farmers improve their land’s productivity and address their needs,” she said. “Farmers can access assistance for legal concerns, agricultural development, and other essential services through the DAR.”
She urged the recipients to value their land and refrain from selling it, highlighting the numerous government agencies ready to support their agricultural endeavors. “This land is your legacy, your family’s future,” she said. “Invest in its potential, and together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous agricultural sector.”
The event served as a powerful reminder that the journey towards land reform is a continuous one. The DAR plans to host another large-scale CLOA distribution event for farmers in Sarangani and Sultan Kudarat provinces later this month or in December, further strengthening the agency’s commitment to empowering Filipino farmers and ensuring their rightful place in the nation’s agricultural landscape.