Bohol top cop heeds Abalos’ call on courtesy resignation

TAGBILARAN CITY, Bohol, Jan. 10 (PIA) — There is no resistance on the part of Bohol Provincial Police Office (BPPO) Director Col. Lorenzo Batuan on the call of Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Sec. Benjamin Abalos Jr. for all full-fledged colonels and generals of the Philippine National Police (PNP) to submit their courtesy resignations.

Batuan confirmed that he officially tendered his resignation on Friday last week along with newly appointed PNP Region 7 Director Brigadier Gen. Jerry Bearis, another brigadier general and 27 colonels in the region.

The lone full police colonel in Bohol said that he believes there are indeed top-brass police officials who are involved in the illicit drug trade.

Batuan added that the process will likely lead to the filing of cases against some police officials.

He said that so far he has not received information indicating that police officers under his command are involved in illegal drugs.

According to the province’s top cop, the local police force’s morale remains high and has not been affected by the mass courtesy resignation.

According to Batuan, they will continue to hold their respective posts pending an evaluation to be conducted by a five-man committee.

“E-evaluate ang amoang record then the instruction is to maintain our present designation so naay status quo until such time na mo gawas ang resulta sa ilang pagahimuon nga investigation (Our record will be evaluated and the instruction is for us to maintain our present designation so there is a status quo until such time that the results of their investigation are issued,” Batuan said.

Abalos, in a press briefing on Wednesday, made the call as a “radical approach” to cleanse the organization of those linked to illegal drugs.

It was done upon the recommendation of PNP Chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. following the confirmation of Sen. Ronald dela Rosa on the presence of “ninja cops” in the police force. (ECB/PIA7 Bohol)

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