‘Bugadors’ receive P1M worth of DOLE tourism livelihood projects in Quirino

CABARROGUIS, Quirino (PIA) – – The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Quirino Field Office awarded DOLE Integrated Livelihood Program o DILP pangkabuhayan showcase to the Nagtipunan Bugadors’ Association of  Nagtipunan for its  Siitan River Adventure project. 

Claire Joaquin, DOLE labor officer said the association received P1 million worth of livelihood projects, including boats, life vests, rash guards, helmets and others, and other sources of livelihood like grocery items for their sari-sari stores. 

“This project is through the joint efforts of DOLE, Regional Tripartite Wages & Productivity Board, Department of Tourism, Department of Trade & Industry, Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources, Technical Education & Skills Development Authority, Provincial Government of Quirino and the municipal government of Nagtipunan,” Joaquin said.

Joaquin further said the said agencies shared their resources for the project to the let the tourism and the livelihood of the people who were affected by the COVID pandemic will recover . 

Liezel P. Magno, DOLE senior labor officer also said the association was given a pangkabuhayan showcase in 2015 and 2017 for its efficient management and support to the province’s booming tourism industry.

“Due to the onslaught of typhoon Ulysses in 2021, the livelihood projects were destroyed and so they were again given boats and other equipment under the restoration component of DILP so they can start their business again,” Magno said.

During the awarding ceremony, Assistant Regional Director Nepomuceno Leaño II thanked the association members for their unity in restoring the  tourism industry in Nagtipunan and in the whole province.

The awarding ceremony was attended by DOLE Quirino Field Office personnel led by Provincial Director  Geraldine B. Labayani, LGU Nagtipunan PESO Manager  Rey Arawag, PLGU PESO Manager Daniphine Badua and  representatives from the provincial government, DA, DENR at DOT. (OTB/TCB/PIA Quirino)

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