DOH reports 22 fireworks – related injuries, 2 stray bullet cases in CAR

BAGUIO CITY (PIA) – – The Department of Health – Center for Health and Development – Cordillera (DOH – CAR) reiterates  call to local government units for a stronger regulation on the selling and use of fireworks/firecrackers to ensure the safety and achieve zero – injury during Christmas and New Year revelries.

Jothro Simeon of DOH – CAR outlines the important role of LGUs in regulating the sale and use of fireworks and in advocating a safer mean of celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Day. (CCD/PIA CAR)

The DOH – CAR, in a Kapihan media forum here, reported that  based on  the “Iwas Maputok” Surveillance and Monitoring  Period  from  December 21, 2022 to January 6, 2023,  a total of 22 fireworks – related injuries (FWRI) and two stray bullet cases were recorded in the region. This   is 167 percent higher compared to the nine cases recorded during the same period last year.

Abra  recorded the most number of cases with seven (including the two stray bullet cases), followed by Baguio City and Kalinga with six each, Benguet and Mountain Province with two each and Apayao with one case.

Ifugao is the province with injury – free revelry during the yuletide season.

For the FWRI victims whose ages range from 12 to 52 years old, 17 are active users. 15 were injured by legal firecrackers/fireworks and six were intoxicated during the time of accident. Twenty of the cases were treated with blast burn injuries (including one with amputation) and two for eye injuries.

Regional Director Dr. Rio Magpantay leads other DOH – CAR officials in a Kapihan media forum to give updates on the Iwas Paputok Surveillance, COVID – 19 cases and vaccinations and other health concerns, as well as the way forward for their office this 2023. (CCD/PIA CAR)

DOH – CAR Senior Health Promotion Officer Jethro Simeon, in sharing the Iwas Paputok monitoring report, outlined that the increase in injury cases may be attributed to the relaxed precautionary measures on the selling and use of fireworks/firecrackers, not only on the side of the LGUs but also of the household or family members themselves.

Simeon reiterated the importance of strong collaboration between the health department, law enforcement agencies, LGUs and the public in ensuring fireworks injury – free communities. (JDP/CCD-PIA CAR)

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