DTI 6 invites sari-sari owners to join ‘Tindahan Mo, e-Level Up Mo!’

ILOILO CITY (PIA) — The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) 6 invites sari-sari store entrepreneurs to participate in an online advancement program, “Tindahan Mo, e-Level Up Mo!”

“We urge all sari-sari store entrepreneurs in the region to take advantage of this free training opportunity to future proof their businesses,” said DTI 6 Regional Director Rachel Nufable. 

The program will run from June to October 2024 and will be streamed live via DTI’s Facebook Page and YouTube or at Negosyo Centers without pre-registration.

“Every last Wednesday of the month from 9 a.m to 10:30 a.m, DTI will hold virtual sessions covering five key modules,” Nufable explained.

The training includes digitizing operations, expanding market access and sustainable consumption practices with practical financial, marketing and sustainability tips.

The online training modules will kick off on June 26 with “Module 1: e-Level Up ang Negosyo” focusing on uplifting businesses through digitization and scaling operations.

DTI 6 invites all sari-sari store owners to join "Tindahan Mo, e-Level Up Mo!" from June to October 2024. (Photo by DTI)

On July 24, “Module 2: e-Level Up ang Online Marketing” will follow to guide owners on expanding their market reach through online marketing tactics.

Module 3 with  “e-Level Up ang Puhunan ” is scheduled on August 28, which focuses  on sustainable capital building and financial management. 

The session on September 25 will be “Module 4: e-Level Up ang Paninda,” to guide entrepreneurs on  product selection, quality control and sustainable sourcing.

Finally, on October 23 is “Module 5: e-Level Up ang Operations” covering strategies to streamline and optimize business operations.

The online advancement program is anchored on DTI’s new slogan “Angat negosyo, asenso trabaho, alagang konsyumer para sa bagong Pilipinas”.

It aims to help sari-sari stores scale up operations and shift to a more sustainable business model through online training sessions. (AAL/ED/PIA 6)

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