DTI-Kalinga ensures business growth of INREMP- LES groups

PINUKPUK, Kalinga (PIA) – – Personnel of  the Department of Trade and Industry  and the Negosyo Center of Pinukpuk visited   two farmers  organizations   in Taggay, Pinukpuk to help widen their marketing scope.

This is to ensure progress and development of the Bibbila Timpuyog Farmers Association and Taggay Upland Farmers Association  which are  assisted under INREMP-LES (Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management Program-Livelihood Enhancement Support) program.

Josephine Daliyong, Small and Medium Enterprises  Development Division head   of DTI and Aurelia Awing,  Negosyo Center Business Counsellor for Pinukpuk , visited the organizations to further coach them on how to improve their marketing strategies, to empower, encourage, monitor, and update them  with all the necessary promotional measures they need.

The Bibbila Timpuyog Farmers produces vermicast purely organic fertilizer made out of corn  and banana while Taggay Upland  group is  engaged in  banana chips. Both groups already created a business chain, however, they lack one stakeholder from the marketing team, or retailers/ resellers to fully complete the chain.

DTI awarded the two associations with package of assistance that includes capability building training, a building, processing equipment and working capital.

Awing is inviting investors or   retailers who could alleviate the worries of local producers and to help their business grow.

There are nine people’s organizations in the province assisted under the INREMP and DTI-led LES2.(JDP/PAB-PIA CAR, Kalinga)

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