Farmer cooperative members, MSMEs undergo entrepreneurial development training

DIFFUN, Quirino (PIA)- – Some 21 farmer-members of the Diffun Saranay Development Cooperative (DISADECO) recently underwent Entrepreneurial Development Training (EDT) at DISADECO, Coffee Processing Center Hall, Andres Bonifacio, Diffun. 

The training, conducted by (DISADECO) in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry- Quirino, aimed to educate the farmers and entrepreneurs on how to start and sustain a business, basic marketing, basic bookkeeping, product packaging, and labeling. 

The Negosyo Center Business Counselors of DTI served as resource speakers who discussed Consumer Rights and Responsibilities integrated to promote consumer protection and advocacy and strengthen their role as a Consumer Organization Group in the province.

Provincial Director Mary Ann Corpuz-Dy said the training encourages the participants to spot business opportunities, become entrepreneurs, and continuously build capacity and innovate. 

“Taking the path of entrepreneurship will help them improve their lives and the other member of their communities,” Corpux-Dy added. (TCB/PIA-2, QUIRINO)

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