Former rebels, supporters surrender in Capiz

ROXAS CITY, Capiz (PIA) — Two Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) members and a supporter have surrendered to police authorities in the province on separate occasions in May.

They are part of the 10 CTGs who voluntarily surrendered to local police stations from January to May 28 to start a new and productive life.

Alias Nono from Dumarao town surrendered and withdrew his support with the rebels after realizing the CTG had misled him for a long time.

The 45-year-old CTG supporter disclosed that he gave relevant information on government troop movements to CTGs and acted as a courier of the rebel’s food supplies. 

Further, he was a former member of Sangay Partido sa Lokalidad and Yunit Militia of CTG SPP East Komiteng Rehiyon-Panay from 1992 to 2017.

He surrendered after a series of negotiations conducted by the 2nd Capiz Provincial Mobile Force Company under Lt. Col. Elmer S. Magbanua.

The Capiz Police Provincial Office has also recorded 13 CTG supporters who withdrew their support to the communists and nabbed a CTG member with a warrant of arrest from January to May 28.

In February this year, 16 former rebels (FRs) received financial assistance from the government through the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP).

Five out of 16 FRs were former members of the New People’s Army, while the 11 were Militia ng Bayan or supporters of the NPA rebels. (AGP/AAL/PIA Capiz)

A former rebel received cash aid from President Roxas Mayor Receliste Escolin during his voluntary surrender last May through the facilitation and negotiation of the President Roxas Municipal Police Station. (Photo by President Roxas, MPS)
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