Malabon mayor distributes aid, seeks long-term solution for navigational gate malfunction and flooding

MANILA, (PIA) — In efforts to assist Malabueños affected by floods caused by the Malabon-Navotas River navigational gate malfunction, Mayor Jeannie Sandoval on Monday and Tuesday distributed family food packs, vitamins, medicines, and hygiene kits to around 150 families in Barangay Hulong Duhat and Flores.

While the MMDA is repairing the damaged navigational gate, we will ensure support for the affected families in the flood-prone barangays, especially during high tide. The city government will not abandon you, so I hope we can collaborate and follow the instructions of our departments for your safety,” Mayor Jeannie said.

The food packs included 5 kilograms of rice, coffee, and canned goods, while the hygiene kits contained toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, sanitary napkins, soap, shampoo and conditioner. Mayor Jeannie personally went to the houses of the flood-affected families to distribute the aid.

Additionally, 58 Malabueños received medical assistance such as dental services, consultations, and vitamin distribution.

Mayor Jeannie said the local government is seeking a long-term solution to the reported Malabon-Navotas River navigational gate malfunction after families were affected by the flooded roads in different barangays.

This came during a press conference with Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Acting Chairman Don Artes and Navotas City Mayor John Rey Tiangco, where they discussed plans to solve the flooding problem and immediate repair of the navigational gate.

We’re not just looking for a short-term solution. We also want a long-term solution because if this keeps happening and causing damage, the flooding in our area will continue… but for now, we want an immediate solution to the flooding situation in our area,” Mayor Jeannie said.

In early June, the local government reported that the navigational gate on the Malabon-Navotas River had malfunctioned, purportedly due to a shipping boat traversing the waterway.

Mayor Jeannie earlier reminded Malabueños to stay calm and coordinate with the government to ensure their safety and security amid the flooding.

The local government also placed around 2,000 sandbags at river walls and activated equipment and pumping stations to help keep the water level in flooded areas from rising and further affecting families.

Mayor Jeannie vowed to continue providing aid to the residents affected by the flooding while the navigational gate is being repaired by the MMDA, and authorities are discussing long-term solutions regarding the issue. (JCO/PIA-NCR)

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