BONTOC, Mountain Province (PIA) — Members of riders’ clubs, and civil society organizations and students of the Mountain Province State University (MPSU) powered up their motorcycles and vehicles on November 23, 2024 in a ride for a cause for an ailing student.
Organized by the MPSU School of Teacher Education Student Organization (STEDSO) in partnership with the Dbinnadang Movement, Tangerine CARES, and MATS Club, the event aimed to raise funds to help defray the medical expenses of Harlan Bocyong, a dialysis patient who hopes to become a teacher in the future.
The riders took off from the MPSU Tadian campus, proceeding to Ilocos Sur towns of Cervantes, San Emilio, Candon, San Esteban to Santiago Cove, then on its take off way thru Tagudin,Suyo and Cervantes passing through the historic Bessang Pass.
Generous donors provided for the meals and snacks of the riders. The activity was able to raise P27, 900 which was handed over to the beneficiary.
Bocyong’s family expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event, and the hope that such activities for a cause continue to help other beneficiaries.
“Maid teken ay kanan mi, sala-salamat ta nakitapi kayo isnan nay ride-for-a-cause ken adding ko, isunga kasin nu wada nan kanan da en wada tulungan tako, sapay kuma ta adi tako kaum-uma ay mangitultuloy isnan ang-angnen tako edwani,” said Relys Bocyong, brother of Harlan.
[All we can say is thank you so much for joining this ride-for-a-cause for my brother. I hope you continue supporting activities such as this to help people in need.]
STEDSO governor Vanderlee Rhymze Velasco said that the student-led event showcases the community’s culture of helping. Dbinnadang Movement president Dimi Mhoor Albing shared that their organization was established to help others in memory of a friend who passed away due to Cushing syndrome.
“Nabuo han grupo four years ago with Tangerine who was diagnosed with Cushing Syndrome, sidi et ay we built the group nga kanan mi nga itultuloy mi ay bumadang. She opened the door for us nga bumadang as a group,” she said.
[The group was organized four years ago because of Tangerine who was diagnosed with Cushing syndrome. We organized this so we can help people. She opened the door for us to help as a group.]
Albing said they will continue helping especially sick individuals through the staging of events for a cause in the spirit of solidarity and “binnadang” (cooperation). (JDP/CVBT-PIA CAR)