Northern Mindanao gears up for FY 2026 budget proposals

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY (PIA) — The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)-X outlined the regional development imperatives in the preparation of Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 budget proposals during the Second Semester 2024 Northern Mindanao Socioeconomic Media Forum on 14 January 2025 at N Hotel.

In her presentation, NEDA-X Regional Director and Regional Development Council-X (RDC-X) Vice Chairperson, Mylah Faye Aurora B. Cariño, emphasized the importance of aligning planning, investment programming, and budgeting processes toward optimizing the use of public funds and resources.

“The FY 2026 regional budget proposal process is critical in strengthening horizontal and vertical linkages across these processes, which is essential for effective public financial management,” Cariño explained.

The RDC-X earlier approved the Regional Guidelines for preparing FY 2026 Budget Proposals for adoption by participating agencies, state universities and colleges (SUCs), and other government entities. At the national level, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has also issued National Budget Memorandum No. 153 or the National Budget Call for FY 2026, officially initiating the preparation of next year’s proposed national budget.

“This year is unique because it is an election year. With the local elections campaign period starting in March, the RDC-X has decided to commence the regional budget review and consultation process earlier than usual,” Cariño said.

The RDC-X guidelines emphasize the alignment of budget proposals with the Philippine and Regional Development Plans 2023-2028, and the Regional Development Investment Program and its Annual Investment Program. Additionally, the proposals should address development imperatives and priority action areas identified in the 2023 Regional Development Report.

Cariño urged agencies, SUCs, and other instrumentalities to propose programs, activities, and projects that address the gaps in the region’s 2023 sectoral performance and ensure the achievement of targets.

“While some indicators show positive progress, others fall short, highlighting areas that need targeted interventions. In preparing the FY 2026 budget proposals, we urge you to be deliberate in reviewing the performance of your sector and subsectors. Focused efforts are needed for critical indicators where progress must be fast-tracked,” she added.

Cariño shared key initiatives for FY 2026 which include enhancing disaster preparedness and resilience; improving maternal and child health, reproductive rights, and mental health; addressing education and housing gaps; supporting economic diversification to mitigate external shocks in industries; and strengthening local governance through automation and conflict-sensitive programs, among others.

To ensure a thorough and collaborative budgeting process, the RDC-X will host handholding activities and budget preparation workshops for all sectors on January 16, followed by consultations between agency regional offices, local government units, and civil society organizations/people’s organizations from January 9 to 21.

Agencies are expected to submit the first draft of their FY 2026 budget proposals to the RDC-X Secretariat by January 22, after which the Secretariat will conduct a technical review and initial consolidation of recommendations for the ROC/Local Development Committee Consultation Meeting from January 23 to 28. On January 28, a budget consultation with CSOs and LGUs will be held to gather additional insights and input.

The draft budget proposals will be presented to the RDC-X Sector Committees in the last week of January and the first week of February for endorsement to the RDC-X. Finally, the process will culminate in a Joint RDC-X Full Council and Advisory Committee meeting on February 7, during which the FY 2026 regional budget proposals will be approved and endorsed to agency central offices and the DBM. (NEDA-X/PIA-10)

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