PPAN initiative tackles various nutrition challenges during 50th Nutrition Month

QUEZON CITY, (PIA) — As the nation commemorates the 50th Nutrition Month this July 2024, the Department of Science and Technology’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST-FNRI) sheds light on the diverse nutritional landscape revealed by the 2021 Expanded National Nutrition Survey (ENNS). 

The survey findings underscore the prevalence of malnutrition among different age groups, with 14 percent of children aged 5 to 10, 13 percent of adolescents aged 10 to 19, and 40.2 percent of adults classified as overweight or obese.

Beyond mere figures, these statistics from the ENNS evoke a broader understanding of malnutrition, encompassing not just underweight but also emphasizing the urgency to combat obesity to forge a healthier future for all individuals.

Recognized as a substantial health challenge by the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity, characterized by an excess of body fat, poses significant risks such as heart disease and stroke. In line with the thrust to address obesity, this year’s Nutrition Month theme, “Sa PPAN: Sama-Sama sa Nutrisyong Sapat Para sa Lahat!” amplifies efforts to curb obesity rates across the nation. (Hand-in-hand to Achieve Proper Nutrition For All)

At the helm of these endeavors is the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN), a comprehensive national strategy designed to combat various forms of malnutrition. By mobilizing a collaborative approach encompassing diverse sectors and communities, PPAN endeavors to foster proper nutrition, fostering holistic health and well-being.

Milagros Federizo, Regional Nutrition Program Coordinator (RNPC) of the National Nutrition Council – National Capital Region (NNC-NCR), underscores the 50th Nutrition Month’s focal point on galvanizing greater support for PPAN implementation. 

RNPC Milagros Federizo together with puppet ‘Enggoy’ of the Philippine Information Agency during the 50th Nutrition Month countdown shoot. (PIA-NCR photo) 

The month-long celebration aims to rally government agencies, local government units, non-government organizations, academia, businesses, civil society, and communities in the shared battle against malnutrition.

With three key messages emphasizing the adoption of PPAN principles, this year’s campaign aims to drive home the importance of comprehensive nutrition strategies:

Dahil bawat buhay ay malahaga, wastong nutrisyon kailangan para maging malusog at produktibo. Gabay ang PPAN para maisakatuparan ang nutrisyong sapat para sa lahat.” (Because every life is important, everyone needs to be well-nourished to live a healthy and productive life. The PPAN guides actions to ensure nutrition security for all.)

Sa PPAN, bababa bansot at mataba. Dahil pag-nagsama-sama, nutrisyong sapat tiyak para sa lahat.” (Through PPAN, we can reduce stunting and obesity. Together, let us ensure nutrition security for all!)

Beat the triple burden of malnutrition with the triple strategy of PPAN. The triple burden of undernutrition, overnutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies can be overcome with the triple strategy of the PPAN of healthier diets, improved nutrition practices, and access to nutrition and related services.

The advocacy for PPAN underscores its pivotal role in combating underweight, obesity, and stunting – emphasizing the collaborative efforts essential in the fight against malnutrition. This holistic approach to nutrition planning remains paramount in promoting a society grounded in health and well-being. (GLDG/PIA-NCR)

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