Pride pet parade in Vigan City advocates responsible pet ownership, rabies awareness

VIGAN CITY, Ilocos Sur (PIA) — In partnership with the city government of Vigan, the Junior Chambers International (JCI) Vigan organized a pride pet parade on June 22, with an orientation on rabies and responsible pet ownership by the city veterinary office.

The activity was held to celebrate Pride Month, raising awareness on crucial aspects of pet care and disseminating information on rabies.

Catherine Dela Peña, president of JCI Vigan said, “We have deworming and vaccination for our pet dogs and cats, we also had our short talk on rabies  and responsible pet ownership, and the last part is the pride pet parade where our pet owners and their pets showed off their outfits and special talents.”

“I think one of the importance of this reminder that we had from the city veterinary office and the city government is to mitigate the isolated cases of rabies, so it is necessary to ensure that our pets are well cared for, complete with vaccinations and that the people around them are at ease that there is no possibility of acquiring rabies if they get scratched or bitten,” she explained.

Genesis Orgo, a livestock inspector from the city veterinary office, discussed rabies to the attendees of the activity.

She said, “It is important that not only pet owners but each one of us has knowledge on rabies.”

Rabies is a viral disease that is spread by infected animals and is transmitted through bites, scratches, and contact with infected saliva from a rabid animal.

If bitten by an infected animal, she advised, “First, wash the wound with soap or detergent and keep it under running water for 15 minutes, then disinfect the wound with 70 percent alcohol or Betadine, lastly, immediately consult a doctor or head to the nearest animal bite treatment center.”

Meanwhile, Jorryn Repato, also a livestock inspector from the same office, provided pet-care tips for the cold weather.

“Our pets cannot easily adapt to the weather as quickly as humans do, so during the cold season, let us give them proper grooming and shelter, warm clothes, and warm beddings which should always be dry to prevent discomfort in our pets,” Repato said.

He urged pet owners to ensure that their pets’ diet consists of enough calories to help them maintain their body temperature which is 38-39 degree Celsius on average.

Repato said it is important to hydrate the animals as water sustains warmth in their body, and to engage them in exercise by playing with them when it is not possible to go out due to the rain.

The pet owners, and pets adorned in vibrant hues of the rainbow, paraded around the Bicentennial Park.

Bong Lopez, whose pet poodle named ‘Snow’ won second in the small breed category and collected special awards including Darling of the Crowd, thanked the JCU Vigan and the city government for the opportunity to show their support to the LGBTQIA+, and learn more about their pets.

Moreover, Bernard Guerrero, with his pet chihuahua named ‘Blankita’ who placed third in the same category, said, “Aside from the celebration of identity and diversity, such event also highlights the importance of taking care of our pets, and personally, I hope that more establishments would adopt a pet-friendly business in our city.” (MJTAB/ATV, PIA Ilocos Sur)

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