Project Bayong: Handmade crafts transform lives in Batac District Jail

Behind the sturdy bars and despite the limited freedom, a handmade product brings hope to the persons deprived of liberty (PDL) at the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)-Batac District Jail in Ilocos Norte.

This initiative, known as “Project Bayong,” aims to provide livelihood opportunities to the PDLs within the facility.

Under this project, inmates are given the chance to be active and productive by weaving traditional bags called bayong.

Each bayong is more than just a product; it symbolizes the skill and creativity of the PDLs, showcasing their ability to craft and design their unique patterns.

Available in various sizes, these bayongs are priced at P350 each for the smallest, P450 for the medium, and P550 for the largest.

These are sold to visitors to the BJMP and at local government-administered markets.

The income from these sales not only provides a livelihood inside the prison but also allows the PDLs to support their families outside.

Moreover, Project Bayong provides PDLs with a platform to enhance their creativity and craftsmanship.

It serves as an essential part of their psychological intervention, helping them engage in productive activities to avoid boredom and maintain a positive outlook despite their circumstances.

In an interview, JINSP Jayson DC Mabuti, the warden of BJMP-Batac District Jail, shared that the decision to focus on bayongs as a livelihood project was due to its sustainability and potential as a viable source of income.

He emphasized that while single-use plastics are unavoidable, producing bayongs not only benefits the inmates but also contributes positively to the environment.

In addition to Project Bayong, other initiatives like T-shirt, mug, and cup printing are set to be launched soon, further expanding the livelihood options for the PDLs.

Mabuti encourages the public to support PDL-made bayongs and urges the community to end the stigma against those incarcerated.

“We all have roles in life. Even if someone is in jail, we shouldn’t judge them without knowing their story,” he remarked.

Mabuti invites the public to visit Batac District Jail to see the bayongs firsthand and support the PDLs by purchasing their handmade products, reminding us of the transformative power of second chances. (AMB/MJTAB/PIA Ilocos Norte)

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