Regional Natatanging Solo Parent awardee shares story of resilience

The dedication and strength of every single parent are truly immeasurable.

Each day, they act as both the guiding light and the tough pillar of their household.

How can one person accomplish all the responsibilities typically shared by two parents?

This is the remarkable story of Marinella Laino, the deserving recipient of the first “Regional Natatanging Solo Parent” award in the Ilocos Region.

Hailing from the town of Sinait in Ilocos Sur, Laino shared her deeply emotional experiences as a solo parent in a heartfelt interview.

Despite the challenging circumstances that led to the early end of her marriage, she remains resolute in her determination to provide a stable and nurturing home for her children.

She said, “After my separation from my husband, being a single parent was incredibly challenging. My faith in God became my sole source of strength. Even now, the pain and suffering I experienced during those dark times five years ago feel fresh when I reflect on them. Thanks to the support of friends and family, I was able to navigate through it all on my own, and I am immensely grateful to them. Over time, I’ve come to accept what happened and have learned to forgive.”

Laino was teary-eyed when she narrated her experiences, saying, “When you have faith in God and accept what happened to you, and if you can cherish yourself, you will be able to nurture your children well.”

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) presented Laino with the “Regional Special Solo Parent” Award on April 19.

According to DSWD Field Office 1, the tradition of honoring single parents is expected to continue in the coming years to acknowledge the bravery and sacrifices of solo parents in the region.

Moreover, she received the “Provincial Special Solo Parent” Award on June 21 during the Provincial Solo Parents Day celebration.

She said it was an unexpected recognition, as she simply fulfilled her role as a parent.

“I don’t know why I received this recognition, but they must have seen my steadfastness and how I nurtured my children alone. They also saw how my children grew up properly and well,” added Laino.

Laino is a devoted public school teacher in Sinait, and she is also a loving mother who is raising three children.

Her two older children are currently pursuing their college education, while her youngest is in high school.

Despite facing financial challenges, Laino happily shared the exciting news that one of her sons is set to graduate from the Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering course next year.

“Thank you very much to the Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur and the DSWD for the blessing given to me. It serves as an inspiration to become more stable and have more strength to grow my children and support them,” Laino ended.

Laino is one of the millions of solo parents in the Philippines who reminds us of the strength found in loneliness and the power of love in overcoming obstacles.

As we navigate a world of changing family dynamics, their journeys serve as a testament to stability, determination, and the unlimited capacity for love that defines parenting in all its forms. (AMB/VGS/PIA Ilocos Sur)

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