Investing in your tomorrow made easier with MySSS Pension Booster

In today’s dynamic economic landscape, securing a stable financial future has never been more essential. Recognizing the pressing need for robust retirement planning, the Social Security System (SSS) introduces a credible initiative set to revolutionize the way members approach savings and investment – the MySSS Pension Booster. Led by SSS President and Chief Executive Officer Rolando Ledesma Macasaet, this program invites  members to seize the opportunity for substantial financial growth and enhanced retirement security.

At the heart of the MySSS Pension Booster lies a compelling vision – to empower SSS members to witness their hard-earned money flourish and yield a remarkable annual return rate of 7.2 percent. Through a blend of mandatory and voluntary schemes, individuals are presented with an avenue to amplify their retirement funds with flexibility and promising results.

Under the mandatory scheme, members contributing beyond the P20,000 threshold to the Regular SSS Program are seamlessly enrolled in this transformative savings plan. On the other hand, the voluntary scheme extends an open invitation to all members, highlighting inclusivity and accessibility in securing their financial future.

What’s appealing to the MySSS Pension Booster is its versatility and remunerative potential. With a modest starting contribution of just P500, members can embark on a journey of financial growth with no limitations on additional investments. This freedom allows for tailored financial planning, whether aiming to bolster retirement savings or achieve medium-term financial milestones.

One of the program’s standout features is the liberty for partial or full withdrawal of savings, enabling members to access their total contributions alongside accrued investment earnings. Moreover, the tax-free nature of withdrawals upon retirement, total disability, or unfortunate demise underscores the program’s commitment to safeguarding financial well-being.

For maritime professionals, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), self-employed individuals, and corporate executives, the call to action resonates loud and clear – start building your retirement nest egg today. As emphasized by Macasaet, the key to financial security lies in proactive planning and early investment, setting the stage for a prosperous future.

By commencing contributions in their 20s, individuals unlock the power of compound interest, nurturing a retirement fund that exceeds expectations. The strategic advantage of starting early is further emphasized by the prolonged period available for wealth accumulation and growth, alleviating the stress of hefty investments in later years.

The younger they start contributing to the MySSS Pension Booster, the longer they have time to grow their retirement savings. If they start contributing now while they are in their 20s, they will have ample time to build the retirement fund they want rather than start saving when they are already in their 40s,” Macasaet said.

As SSS transitions its savings program to the MySSS Pension Booster, encompassing a diverse spectrum of professionals and aspiring savers, the narrative shifts towards a future brimming with financial prosperity.

Anchored in the reforms introduced by the Social Security Act of 2018, an initiative spearheaded by Finance Secretary Ralph G. Recto, heralds a new era of financial empowerment and security.

To explore this transformative program and unlock the gateway to unparalleled financial growth, embrace the MySSS Pension Booster – your key to a future defined by prosperity and security. Visit the link at to learn more, embark on a transformative financial journey, and witness your wealth soar to new heights. (AVS/PIA-NCR/SSS)

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