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DSWD grants P10M AICS fund for Batanes

BASCO, Batanes (PIA) – Department of Social Welfare and Development Secretary Rex Gatchalian has granted Batanes Gov. Marilou Cayco’s request for a P10 million Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) fund.

Cayco personally visited the DSWD chief earlier after seeing more needs for Persons with Disability (PWDs), senior citizens, and underprivileged individuals in the province.

The fund, she said, will be allocated to individuals who will be seeking financial support for their health maintenance, medication, educational, and burial needs.

An Ivatan senior citizen expresses his thoughts about the needs of his fellow senior citizens. (Photo coirtesy of LGU Batanes)

The increasing number of individuals seeking help from her office prompted the governor to lobby for a higher funding support for her constituents.

Aside form AICS, the governor recently distributed 20 wheelchairs for indigent PWDs and senior citizens.

The provincial government also secured new sets of family food packs prepositioned ready for unexpected calamities.

Gov. Marilou Cayco awards wall fan for the benefit of Day Care Pupils in Itbayat town.

Cayco also expressed gratitude to the secretary for the continuous assistance extended to the provincial government during the past year specially for the AICS fund, wheelchairs and food packs and in the inclusion of 295 families under the 4Ps. (GVB/PIA-2)

About the Author

Gene Baquiran


Region 2

I am simply amazing.

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